What does the Santex call center do?

For over 30 years, our internal call center has represented the meeting place for people suffering from urinary incontinence and those who take care of them.

We make available to those who contact us our deep knowledge on the management of incontinence for suggestions on the choice and use of aids, for hygiene advice, to direct interested parties to the points of sale where to find our products.

By listening to our users, we also learn to know their needs and we verify that the devices we make meet their necessities.

Remember one thing: since not all forms of urinary incontinence are the same, and we can say the same about the causes, it is always necessary to consult a doctor to have a more accurate diagnosis regarding the type of urinary incontinence you suffer from.

Depending on the cause and severity of urinary incontinence, different surgical and non-surgical treatment options are available.

Among the least invasive treatments are exercises designed to strengthen muscle tone, lifestyle change and the intake of certain medications.

In our portal you can find lots of information and solutions to prevent the various discomforts caused by urinary incontinence. If you have not found what you are looking for, our call center is always at your disposal and will help you solve your problem.